Have you ever tried to make Beaded Ornaments?
Beaded ornaments can be made by stringing beads on wires, fishing line, pipe cleaners or pins. They can be made by cutting out patterns for Christmas ornaments from cardboard or box board and sticking the beads to the pattern. You can cut out a pattern of a snowflake, Santa Claus, Christmas tree, star, reindeer, etc.....anything linked to the Christmas season, but be sure to glue beads to both sides of the cut out if it is a hanging ornament. You can concentrate beads in a wreath to give it that extra sparkle.
Snowflake Ornament
Beaded ornaments are not only for the Christmas season. You can make beaded covers for Easter eggs or beaded ornaments for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, and any other holiday or birthday. They make a great personalized gift for any occasion. When there isn't a special opening to make an garnish for you can make beaded sun catchers or dream catchers to hang in your window or nearby your house. On a sunny day when the sun shines on these they produce beautiful and colourful reflections in your home. You can also make beaded pins for any occasion.
As a fun get together you can arrange a beading party and request house and friends to attend. This would be a great way to introduce them to the world of beading. If you had beaded ornaments already made up before hand you could display them at the party. It could be a great opening to sell some of your creations at the party, if you are looking to make some extra money, and also to spread the word about your creations. I'm sure when they see how beautiful the ornaments can be they will be hooked on beading.
If you are giving a beaded garnish as a gift for a special opening or selling them, you have to make sure they have a done polished look as many habitancy will not appreciate any homemade gift or buy them if they look like they have not had any real thought gone into them and has been just thrown together.
There are many free resources for looking ideas to make these ornaments. The internet is one of my favourites (what did we ever do without the internet Lol). My local library is another. Magazines, beading classes, creative friend's ideas and browsing group shop are a few more (sometimes not free though). Make sure you pay attentiveness to any copyrights of any ideas you come across.
You can find beaded craft kits, with all the supplies you need to make a beaded ornament, for sale on the internet or at your local craft store. You can also find straightforward Christmas beaded garnish patterns to involve your young children. A lot of the time these are free with instructions. Most of the materials used for these crafts are safe for a child to use such as pipe cleaners and glue as opposed to needles, wire or pins, but still should always be supervised by an adult as they would still be using small beads.
Have fun and Happy Beading!
Beaded Ornaments - Elegant and gorgeous
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